Available courses

CSPB Orientation 2025

Welcome to your orientation for the Computer Science Post-Baccalaureate Program at CU Boulder.

CSPB 3022 - El Helbawy - Introduction to Data Science with Probability and Statistics

The basics of computational statistics to prepare students for machine learning and data science.

CSPB 1300 - Naidu - Computer Science I: Starting Computing

This class teaches techniques for writing computer programs in high level programming languages to s...

CSPB 2270 - Guinn/Park - Computer Science 2: Data Structures

Learn fundamentals of data structures and algorithms.

Applied CS Faculty Professional Development Center (Spring 25)

Resources for Weekly Applied CS Professional Development Meeting.

CSPB 2400 - Truong - Computer Systems

Covers how programs are represented and executed by modern computers, including low level machine re...

CSPB 2820 - Truong - Linear Algebra with Computer Science Applications

Introduces the fundamentals of linear algebra in the context of computer science applications. Inclu...

CSPB 2824-001 - Craven - Discrete Structures

Covers foundational materials for computer science that is often assumed in advanced courses. Topics...

CSPB 2824-002 - Stade - Discrete Structures

Covers foundational materials for computer science that is often assumed in advanced courses. Topics...

CSPB 3104 - Reckwerdt - Algorithms

Covers the fundamentals of algorithms and various algorithmic strategies, including time and space c...

CSPB 3104-751 - Reckwerdt - Algorithms

Covers the fundamentals of algorithms and various algorithmic strategies, including time and space c...

CSPB 3112 - Spring 2025 -Guinn - Professional Development in Computer Science

Supports students in developing professional skills and practices in computing, including: preparing...

CSPB 3155 - Reckwerdt - Principles of Programming Languages

Study fundamental concepts on which programming of languages are based, and execution models support...

CSPB 3287 Spring 2025 - Knox - Design and Analysis of Data Systems

Surveys data management, including file systems, database management systems design, physical data o...

CSPB 3308 Spring 2025 - Knox - Software Development Tools and Methods

This course covers tools and practices for software development with a strong focus on best practic...

CSPB 3702 - Craven - Cognitive Science

This course serves as an introduction to Cognitive Science, the study of the mind, as an interdiscip...

CSPB 3753 - Tentative Fall 2025 - Knox - Operating Systems

Operating systems are an essential part of every computing system and play a major role in determin...

CSPB 4122 Spring 2025 - Peterson - Information Visualization

Studies interactive visualization techniques that help people analyze data. This course introduces d...

CSPB 4502 Spring 2025 - Peterson - Data Mining

Introduces basic data mining concepts and techniques for discovering interesting patterns hidden in ...